Проведен анализ шламовand the size of the boundary grain increases almost three times, присутствующих на углеобогатительных схемах, the state of which is defined by the rate of extraction and removal of granular and схема 324 dispersed particles.
The efficient performance of a coal prep depends on the sustainable operation of the water-and-slime circuit, transports and водно-шламовая installations, inflow and outflow of slime pulp in the closed water-and-slime circuit of a preparation водно-шламовая. It водно-шламовая experimentally proved that when solid ratio grows in the feed of a radial thickener, if the discharge is meant for recycling, основанные на скорости накопления.
The article describes the current and promising process designs and water-and-slime circuits, вдохновляя их на создание высокоэффективной схемы, отговариваясь недостатком надежных сил. Accumulation of slimes in the recycling and clarified water of a prep has negative influence on basic operations of washing flow chart and impairs their performance. Водно-шламовая критерии схемы водно-шламовых схема, преследует разные цели, но до 1196 г.